
So, over the last two weeks or so, I'd say that my knowledge about what to expect has probably tripled. Between my parents being excited about the trip and my wading through the stack by my bed, I feel much better. I'm also completely aware that nothing but the actual experience can prepare me for it. For the time being, I'll keep reading and taking my malaria pills like a good girl. Until the 13th, that's all I can do.

If I do end up having strange dreams, I'll do my best to remember and record them in all their strange details. If not, this blog might be a little less exciting than I hoped.


P.S. A Fine Balance is amazing. Read it.

ipod: "Such Great Heights," Iron & Wine


first stop

So. One month out. A little intimidating, more than a little exciting. I feel like one of those awful tourists who wander around a new city with their arms full of guidebooks and a "I Heart NY" cap perched on their heads. Maybe it has something to do with the six India-related books stacked on my nightstand. I'm not even in Pune yet and I already feel a little goofy.

Fortunately, even though I had a brief battle with reality-of-living-on-the-opposite-side-of-the-earth the other night, I'm really excited to go. Even though I could've studied abroad in a number of different countries, the more I read about India the more I feel like it's the place I'm supposed to go.

I guess we'll find out soon enough.