
Awkward Turtle

The Urban Dictionary defines "awkward turtle" as "[a hand motion to use] when in an awkward moment. Place your hands on top of each other, and spin your thumbs forward. Thus creating the creature know as awkward turtle."

I first heard of this concept through some friends at CC, and I've grown to use this motion in tense and/or awkward situations. These situations ranged from simply funny to really rather uncomfortable. However, I had never known the true meaning of an awkward turtle situation until yesterday.

I'd spent the weekend in Mumbai, shopping, sleeping, not working on my project, and shopping a little more. After an exhausting weekend of the previously mentioned, Tim, Gemma, and I hopped onto a bus to get back to Pune. The easiest (and quickest) way to get back is via AC bus, a coach-style contraption with windows that don't open to the muggy air outside, hence allowing for the maximum cooling factor. I'd been feeling a little off all day, but I'd just assumed it was from staying out late the night before. I'd been joking for the past few weeks how remarkable it was that I hadn't been sick yet in India and that my time must be near. But as our bus prepared to get on the Pune-Mumbai expressway and my mouth started to salivate, it wasn't so funny anymore.

The bus stopped quickly to pick up a few last passengers, and I ran to the front. The driver had just closed the doors and couldn't understand why I was trying to get out of the bus. It took several seconds of pantomiming what was about to happen before he grudgingly opened the door. I leapt out into the busy streets of Mumbai, knelt next to a pile of trash, and "lost my lunch," as they say.

Stranger things happen on the street every day, and nobody gave me a second glance. I sat there, trying not to faint, and realized that the bus driver was honking at me. I suppose he wanted me to hurry up and finish vomiting so we could be on our way. A stray dog came over to sniff me, and I looked at him weakly. Hey, buddy. Got a napkin?

Awkward, yes. But I feel like it's important to balance out my meandering poetry about pretty mountains and spiritual moments. Such is life, right? At least it's funny now. Oh, by the way, the play is coming along nicely.


iPod: "Polaris," Jimmy Eat World


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Awww, poor Sarah. Hope you are feeling better. Be sure to let me see that play when you're through!
Tony Oliver

11/21/2006 07:53:00 AM  

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